Frequently Asked Question

Our smart Lockers are easily operated through a smartphone App. Customers receive instant notifications when their parcel is ready for pickup, and can retrieve their order with a simple numeric code entered through the Locker's keypad or by scanning the QR Code on the Locker. Enjoy a hassle-free and secure pickup process with our state-of-the-art smart Lockers.

Each parcel Locker features PIN/QR-based secure access, with security cameras connected to a monitoring cloud server. Sensor bars and additional cameras monitor all activity inside and outside the locker, and the system electronically logs all items deposited and picked up. Our Lockers are vandalism-proof, featuring rugged steel construction, anti-graffiti coating, and shatter-proof touchscreen glass. Designed and constructed to be water and corrosion-resistant, our Lockers guarantee smooth operation even under the harshest climatic conditions, ensuring uninterrupted service and unbeatable security for all your parcels.

Our state-of-the-art vending machines offer a self-service option for customers, optimizing inventory levels, collecting and analyzing data, and enabling remote management and monitoring. By leveraging these automation technologies, businesses can significantly improve their operational efficiency, reduce costs, and provide a better customer experience. Whether you're running a small retail outlet or a large chain, our smart vending machines can help you streamline your operations and take your business to the next level.

Our smart vending machines offer a range of additional revenue sources, including the option to rent out digital advertising space to advertisers. The machines also provide value-added services through connectivity and versatility, such as mobile payments and remote monitoring. With these features, vending machine operators can generate additional revenue streams while providing a seamless customer experience.

Our smart vending machines accept multiple payment methods, including cash and cashless options such as debit/credit cards, mobile payments, e-wallets, and internet payments. With these flexible payment options, customers can easily purchase products without worrying about carrying cash or change.

IntelParcel's warehouse solution streamlines the processes of stocking, storing, inventory management, and order fulfillment, including picking, packing, and shipping. Our system also provides valuable insights on inventory replenishment, enabling you to optimize your supply chain and reduce costs.

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